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September in the Rain

Hi Everyone,

As promised here are the links to our first online Rehearsed Play reading. The show we are performing is September in The Rain by John Godber. The whole show lasts just over an hour.

September in the Rain is a nostalgic and heart-warming observational comedy from renowned playwright John Godber. It follows the life of miner Jack and his wife Liz on their annual holiday to Blackpool over the years. A true Northern love story
They laugh and bicker as they enjoy ice-cream, strolling along the seafront and paddling in the sea. Knotted hankies, stripy deckchairs, pale bare legs and trips to the Tower Lounge conjure up a bygone era and the good old days.
So you now know what we have been doing to entertain ourselves during this lockdown period, we would really love our members to do their own “productions” and send them into us to put up online. It could be a rehearsed play reading, monologue, cabaret … fact anything as long as it doesn´t break any decency laws. Come on get your creative juices going and let us see your own mini home productions.

To watch Act One of September in the Rain click the link here

To watch Act Two of September in The Rain click the link here

We appreciate you taking the time to watch our efforts and hope it has given you some enjoyment at this challenging time. Please feel free to share this show with any friends and family who you think might enjoy it.
Stay home and stay safe and we look forward to seeing you again soon

Take Care,

Chris And Melanie Winstanley
Mob: +351 919198840