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Letter from the President!

Dear friends
What a year it has been for Os Acting Algarveans AngloLuso Associacao de teatro experimental!
Well with a name like that, we’ve got to be something amazing!

My mission has been member engagement and I hope you will find we have achieved that with many and varied events.

We hit the ground running in January with auditions and rehearsals for
our first, hilarious, production Last Tango in Little Grimley and Lockdown in Little Grimley which took place in March at the Carlos do Carmo auditorium as part of Humorfest.

Barely catching our breath, we had a series of workshops – dance with Shelley Danca. Singing with Shirley Devlin and acting with Andy Arkle.

Shirley started up a choir in April to give us plenty of practice for our November production.

In May we had auditions, and rehearsals for the Murder Mystery evening in June. Directed by Andy and assistant directed by Jenni Bekker. A great evening with a wonderful buffet and showcasing some great new talent.

Straight into auditions in June for Cinderella directed by Tracey Christiansen and dance workshop/auditions with Shelley.
Our garden party, hosted by Shirley, in July, was a fun afternoon of poetry, prose and song.
Carmen Danen then ran two acting workshops over the summer.
And Karen Morris-Marks hosted a weekly Line Dancing class.
September saw us very busily rehearsing for panto. 3 times a week, plus production meetings, costumes, props, set design & build! Exhausting but incredibly satisfying to put the production on for 4 sell out audiences!
Barely was the set struck when choir rehearsals started for our already sold out Christmas event on 19 th November, commenced.
The Algarveans are also supporting David Butler-Cole’s charity revue show – The Internet of Things, to be performed 3,4, February at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gegório, in Silves.
So time to sit back, relax and enjoy a well eared rest? Not one bit
1 st December – Members Xmas Party Meal – O Tasco.
19 th December – Algarveans Xmas event SOLD OUT
21 st December – Algarveans group and choir supporting Carols on The Cliffs, Carvoeiro
4/1/24 – Singing workshop with Carmen
18/1/24 – Acting workshop with Carmen

AGM Sunday 28 th January – to be advised by our AGM president Madeleine Wheare
15/2/24 Performance workshop with Carmen
15/2 Musical theatre workshop with Carmen
Dance workshops with Shelley TBA
25 & 26 th April – Murder Mystery Event – by Andy
November 2024 Sister Act, the Broadway Musical – directed by Carmen Danen
Auditions TBA

I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of The Algarveans Theatre Group, for all the support, energy, effort and enjoyment in the myriad of different functions and coming along to support events.
I wish each and every one of you a peaceful, joyful Christmas and all my very best wishes for 2024.