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Algarveans AGM 2020

President of the Committee of General  Assembly

Jennie Vaughan, Casa Vale Vista, 17 Cabeço Das Pias, Sesmarias 8400-010, Lagoa, Algarve.


23rd January  2020



Notice of Annual General Assembly



Dear Member,


Please be advised that the Annual General Assembly of the Algarveans’ Experimental Theatre Group, (alias “Os Algarvios”) will take place on


Sunday 29th March 2020 at 12.30


 There will be a Pre Ordered Lunch commencing 13.00 


( Details of the menu will be sent later with the Convocation letter)


To  be held at ‘Big Reds’ Sito Das Quatro Estrados, Alvor.


               The AGM will commence afterwards, at around 15.00


You are reminded that only subscription paying members have a vote at this meeting or carry a proxy vote.


The following members of the existing Direction Committee are standing for re-election:


*Chairman –

*Treasurer –

*Secretary  – Lynda Marshall


Ordinary Members:

  1. Angela Theobold 2.Maxine Costa
  2. Gloria Costa 4. Jim Landis


For Fiscal Committee:

*Fiscal Committee President –

Secretary 1 –

Secretary 2 –



For Committee of General Assembly:

*President of Assemblies:  – Jennie Vaughan

Secretary 1 –

Secretary 2 – Yvonne Hawkswell



As you can see from above we are looking to fill the positions of :


*Chairman & *Treasurer of the Direction Committee, *President,  Secretary1 & Secretary 2 of the Fiscal Committee AND Secretary 1 of the General Assembly Committee.


Ordinary members of any of these Committees can be nominated from the floor at the AGM, but Officers (Marked with asterisk)

must be nominated beforehand and named on the 2nd Convocation.


Please return all nomination forms to me by post or e-mail:


by Friday 21st February 2020


You may also present in writing any proposals or matters you wish raised at the meeting so they may be included on the Agenda.



During the last week of February 2020 you will receive the second Convocation Letter with directions to ‘Big Reds’ restaurant, details of  choice of  menu and price, an Agenda and list of all Nominations.


So please put a note in your diary & I look forward to seeing you on Sunday 29th March 2020.


Kindest  regards,




Jennie Vaughan

President of the Committee of the General Assembly